By Frank Leone and Denise Vogt
On October 19, 2024, we led a walking tour which began in the Foggy Bottom Historic District and ended at the GWU Museum’s Woodhull House. The Tour was organized by Kasey Sease of the GWU Museum as part of the anniversary of the GWU Museum (701 21st St.), which includes The Albert H. Small Washingtonia Collection and the Textile Museum. The tour complemented the Tale of Two Houses exhibit, which you should visit (closes May 25, 2025). A total of about 40 people attended our two tours of the Historic District, with additional stops at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, and the corner of 22nd and H, the site of the home of abolitionist Leonard Grimes, who was inducted into the National Abolition Hall of Fame the same day. You can participate in our on-line History and Arts walking tours of the Historic District anytime.
