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GWU Hospital Helipad Noise & Vibration Test Scheduled - Almost!

The GWU Hospital has retained KBRwyle Aerospace Group to conduct noise and vibration tests as one of the initial steps toward proposed construction of an aeromedical helipad.

The test will be conducted this weekend - either Saturday, April 1, or Sunday, April 2. The specific day and time are subject to POTUS' schedule - the Secret Service wants him out of town when the test is conducted. (Why? Because the Secret Service said so. :-) ) The minute I know something more specific, I will share it here, in an email to FBA members, and on the FBA Facebook page.

At the Hospital's request, I provided a list of 35 potential sites for testing equipment. My list was based on the proposed flight path and the concerns expressed by certain residents. KBRwyle has selected 10 of those sites, based on technical considerations. I'm in the process of notifying 8 of those 10 sites to facilitate building access to place the sensors. Sensor placement will take place tomorrow (Thursday, 3/30) and/or Friday (3/31).

You can learn more about the helipad project here:



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