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About the FBA

The Foggy Bot­tom Asso­ci­a­tion was formed in 1955 and for­mally incor­po­rated in the Dis­trict of Colum­bia on June 19, 1959, as the Foggy Bot­tom Restora­tion Asso­ci­a­tion. The present name was for­mally adopted in 1965. The FBA was founded to enhance and pro­tect the res­i­den­tial qual­ity of the area and keep res­i­dents informed on mat­ters affect­ing the community.


The objec­tives of the FBA are to fur­ther the civic, cul­tural, social and eco­nomic wel­fare of the Foggy Bottom/West End com­mu­nity; pre­serve and enhance the res­i­den­tial char­ac­ter of the com­mu­nity; and pro­mote his­toric preser­va­tion in the area.


The phys­i­cal area of the FBA approx­i­mates that of the Foggy Bottom/West End Advi­sory Neigh­bor­hood Com­mis­sion 2A, i.e., the inte­rior of the areas bounded by Rock Creek on the west, the Potomac River on the south; an east­ern limit defined by an imag­i­nary line drawn north­ward from the Potomac River to and along 15th Street to Penn­syl­va­nia Avenue to 20th Street, and again north­ward on 20th Street to N Street; and west­ward along N Street to Rock Creek.


The Foggy Bot­tom Asso­ci­a­tion holds meet­ings every month (except for July, August, and Decem­ber), usu­ally on the last Tues­day evening. Meetings feature speakers on varied topics of interest to residents, as well as social events. Atten­dance at FBA meet­ings is open to all.


Members of the Foggy Bottom Association participate in a wide range of activities to improve the community, create neighborhood cohesion, and clean and protect the Historic District and the local environment. Our award-winning biennial Outdoor Sculpture Exhibit attracts guests from all over the world. Our Garden Committee takes care of local public spaces, aided by regular community clean-up efforts. Our Homelessness Task Force works to develop and implement workable solutions to the challenges that homelessness creates in our community.


You can peruse an overview of FBA finances here:



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